2 definitions by Cuntos 420

A portmanteau word mixing the two words 'Dank' and 'Kush'. Can either be used as an adjective to describe something that is awesome, cool etc (especially weed) or as a noun, as a colloquialism for marijuana.
(A) Guy 1: Hey dude, my dealer said this shit's the most dankush weed ever
Guy 2: M8 wtf you waitin' for blaze that shit up

(N) Guy 1: Ayy m8 my dealer brought in some new weed. He calls it 'Dankush'
Guy 2: Shiet man that stuff must be ace with a name like dat
by Cuntos 420 June 7, 2015
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1. Gronkage (adj)
Pron. Gronk-idge
The degree to which one bears gronk-like qualities.

2. Gronkage (noun)
Pron. Gronk-are-gay
Like a Hokage, but instead of ninja he/she runs a dojo of gronks-in-training.

3. Gronkage (adj. 2)
Pron. Gronk-idge
Activities which require the one performing them to possess gronkage ^(1).
1. Gronks typically possess a large amount of gronkage.

2. The local Gronkage can often be seen performing public displays of gronkage.

3. Gronkage is frowned upon or laughed at in mockery of the gronks in gronkage.
by Cuntos 420 July 26, 2021
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