1 definition by CroozeCoozer

the idea of the Coozie and brought it to where it was always meant to be; magnetically attached to the driver's door. We like to call it Coozing, and thus we are Coozers. While the lay man drinks his beverage nestled in the comfort of the center console, we enjoy exposing the choice beverage to the elements where our magnetic Coozie withstands over 100mph winds (seriously!).

When we spot another Coozer, all hell breaks loose. Become a Coozer and you'll know what I mean. City by City we watch our Coozies grace the doors of vehicles from old school picks-ups to Lamborghini's. The Coozing movement has just begun and we are thrilled to be the forerunners in this exciting time.

available at croozcooz.com
become a fan at crooz cooz's facebook page
check out videos on youtube
(croozer)hey brah dont put that brew in the car
(newcomer) what am i supposed to do with it?
(croozer) put it in the croozcooz... it can withstand 100 mph winds and its legal broski!
(newcomer) woop woooop wooooop!
by CroozeCoozer September 3, 2010
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