1 definition by Cromwell

UCSD from the transfer student point of view. If you go here as a transfer student (if you are a Californian) you did not get in to UCLA or UCB. You are very bitter over this fact and walk around mad at the world. Every time you drive down Sunset Blvd. past UCLA you get a tear in your eye.

You wish there was affirmative action for Caucasian girls. You are in shock when you go to SDSU and see all those cute girls.
You have a sandwich at Subway, and realize all the girls are nerdy Asian types.

You hate walking uphill by the library.

One more crappy weekend hanging out at crappy Gaslamp clubs.

You pray you get into UCB or UCLA for grad school.

Other people always know UCSD was you third choice.
by Cromwell September 18, 2007
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