2 definitions by Corrine.

ilcm is the modern texting abbreviation for the words 'I like/love chocolate milk!'
dude 1 - *texting away* omg! me drinkin choco milk!
dude 2 - *texting away* OMGGG! ilcm!
dude 1 - *texting away* waaaah?
by Corrine. February 18, 2010
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Claustrophobia - n. The fear of Santa.

hehe~♥ ♪♫He sees you when you're sleeping... He knows when you're awake...♪♫
*sleigh bells* omg! SANTA! RUN 4 UR LIVES! U DONT NEED TO TAKE THE CHILDREN; just GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what happens when you have Claustrophobia.
by Corrine. January 10, 2010
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