1 definition by Cornish Gem

Shithole of a place full of obnoxious arseoles. Slum is the best word to describe this carbuncle.Full of thieves and hoodies who speak in a most ridiculous accent.Highest crime rate in the north west. I was accosted on several occasions and asked for money or if I wanted drugs. Sadly this excuse for a city is devoid of any architecture of distinction and is to be perfectly honest "Bland" beyond belief.The best thing to come out of Manchester is the M61. We went 30 odd miles west and discovered wonderful LIVERPOOL with its array of magnificent buildings and culture, lots of FRIENDLY bars with genuinely friendly people a total contrast to the poverty stricken,hoody ridden,drug addicted scumbag place called Manchester
Shithole of a place full of obnoxious arseoles. Slum is the best word to describe this carbuncle.Full of thieves and hoodies who speak in a most ridiculous accent.Highest crime rate in the north west. I was accosted on several occasions and asked for money or if I wanted drugs. Sadly this excuse for a city is devoid of any architecture of distinction and is to be perfectly honest "Bland" beyond belief.The best thing to come out of Manchester is the M61. We went 30 odd miles west and discovered wonderful LIVERPOOL with its array of magnificent buildings and culture, lots of FRIENDLY bars with genuinely friendly people a total contrast to the poverty stricken,hoody ridden,drug addicted scumbag place called Manchester
by Cornish Gem January 28, 2011
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