2 definitions by Cooldude43

Aderet is a girl with a corky sense of humor. You can usually find her running down the hallway with a big smile. When you think of the name Aderet, picture a girl with dirty blonde hair and bright greenish blue eyes. Aderet is very smart when it comes to math and science. Overall, Aderet is a very friendly girl, who can make everyone around her laugh and smile.
That girl is so pretty.”
“She looks like an Aderet to me!”
by Cooldude43 February 1, 2019
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A smart, pretty nerdy girl with a nice inside. Always goes by the rules, and never chooses to give up. Sometimes could outsmart her friends, but still dedicates time to make her friends happy.
George: 50*50=2568!
Jason: No, it’s 2500!
George: Jason, don’t be a Nehara!
by Cooldude43 January 12, 2018
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