1 definition by ConsumerGuide.ph

Derisive nickname for Ferdinand Marcos Jr, also known as "Bongbong," son of the late Philippine dictator.

The name Blengblong (i.e., to absent oneself from an important event) stuck after Marcos Jr failed to show up at any of the official Presidential debates organized by the Commission on Elections. He was also a no-show at debates and/or interviews organized by major broadcast networks in the Philippines in the run-up to the May 9, 2022 elections.

Three more reasons the moniker went viral on social media—
- He frequently absented himself while in school (Oxford, Wharton), failing to obtain any degree.
- He was notorious as the absentee Governor of his province, Ilocos Norte.
- Marcos Jr has yet to face contempt charges issued by a US court in 1995 to the tune of $353 million (as at 2011).
Can you believe Blengblong Marcos was elected the 17th President of the Philippines? Let's hope he shows up for work!
by ConsumerGuide.ph June 10, 2022
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