2 definitions by CollageCollage55

Annoying toxic teenage girls who can’t take a joke. They cancel every creator who makes “offensive” content or doesn’t align with their far left political views. Most of them have black fist profile pictures and they call everyone who actually knows how to take a joke an “incel.” Their only vocabulary consists of “No ❤️“ cat emojis, fairy emojis 🧚 ♂️ sparkle emojis ✨

👁 👄 👁, “luv,” “anyways ACAB,” “KAM 2020,” and commenting “wHy aM i oN sTrAiGhT tiKtOK” on every single video. They gatekeep audios and despite priding themselves on “being on alt tiktok,” they appear on every single fucking video in the entire platform. They cancelled syrup, paw patrol, and got doneji banned. They will attack you, cancel you, and get you banned if you make a joke that’s actually funny. they dox teenagers who make good content and don’t align with their political ideologies, and got a 12th grader expelled from their school for their videos. Stay away from them.
“OMG wHy aM i oN sTrAiGhT tIKtOk yOU iNcElS barn and Me bACk To ALT TIKTOK
Shut up bitch
by CollageCollage55 September 10, 2020
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The UTTP, aka the UtubeTrollPolice, are a group of trolls based in youtube which is lead and founded by Tommy Parky (full name Thomas Parkinson, formally known as southparkstudiosable.) Notable members of this group include Tommy Parky, Sherbase 12 (who has hacked dozens of gacha channels during the UTTP’s gachafall operation) and StrongMoonMan. Members of the group usually have “Officer” in their usernames and a specific image of a police officer edited to their liking. This group dates back to 2010 and their lingo includes “FRIES R UP,” “UTTP Club,” “BIG & STRONG,” “Glen bummed little jacob,” “Let’s get these liverpool scouse bastards for Tommy Parky guys,” “FRIES & COFFEE,” and replacing “the” with “thy.” They use these phrases when replying to comments of those who oppose them. You won’t get a response out of Tommy Parky if you aren’t a UTTP member. He will just reply with one of these phrases, the most common being “UTTP Club.” The UTTP gained a lot of members during their notorious gachafall operation which occurred July of 2020. The UTTP hates fandoms, and that is their main reason for being, to bully fandoms.
by CollageCollage55 September 8, 2020
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