2 definitions by Cloudy Marine

There is a gender but you're not really sure what it is. If you get closer or squint a little you might see the outlines, but never a clear image. But tbh you also don't really have a desire to figure out what it is.

It's basically a label for people who don't find a fitting one for their gender and/or are undecided.
They want a label, not bc they have an actual interest in figuring out their gender, but rather out of convienence.

It is possible that later on they do figure it out and use a diffrent one. It is even possible that they realize that they're cis.

It is also possible that they do have a bit more of a clear image of what their gender is (or are torn between labels), but they're not sure or too lazy to decide.

The only rules are that they can't be agender, bc that implies a lack of gender, which is not the case with genderfog and they can't use distinct labels as their gender identity (like man, woman, demigirl, demiboy etc.).

It is possible to use the word in combination with the non-binary label, however not everyone who is genderfog is non-binary. The same goes for the trans label. Genderfog can include all possible genders, gender expressions and pronouns. The term „genderfluid“ can only be used with genderfog, if it doesn't describe a switch between multiple disctinctly labeled gender identities.
„Yeah I'm genderfog. I don't know what my gender is, but I also don't really care“

„Idk defining my gender is hard and i don't find a label that fits me, so I guess I'm genderfog“

„Im definitly non-binary, but that as a label doesn't feel enough. Other labels don't feel right tho. So might as well go with genderfog."
by Cloudy Marine November 1, 2021
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There is probably a gender, but you're not really sure what it is. If you get closer or squint a little you might see the outlines, but never a clear image. But tbh you also don't really have a desire to figure out what it is.

It's basically a state/label that descibes people who don't find a fitting one for their gender and/or are undecided.
They want a label, not bc they have an actual interest in figuring out their gender, but rather out of convienence.

The blurryness of their understanding of what their gender actually is can vary, some might be unable to decide between two options, some may have absolutely no idea.
But it is possible that later on they do figure out what it is and want to use a different label. It's even possible that they realize that they're cis.

The only rule is that they can't use distinct labels as their gender identity (like man, woman, demigirl, demiboy etc.).

It is possible to use the word in combination with the non-binary label, however not everyone who is genderblurry is non-binary. The same goes for the trans label. Genderblurry can include all possible genders, gender expressions and pronouns. The term „genderfluid“ can only be used with the term genderblurry, if the person doesn't know between what genders they fluctuate.

In distinction to similar terms that describe an uncertainness about ones Gender (like Foggender or Cloudgender) genderblurr can have multiple causes or no direct cause at all.
„Yeah I'm genderblurry. I don't know what my gender is, but I also don't really care“

„Idk defining my gender is hard and i don't find a label that fits me, so I guess I'm genderblurry“

„Im definitly non-binary, but that as a label doesn't feel enough. Other labels don't feel right tho. So might as well go with genderblurry."
by Cloudy Marine November 2, 2021
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