1 definition by Clever Canadien

Canadien; Not American

Speak English and not American.
Is the world's best friend instead of the global law enforcer.
Believes in peace keeping, not forcing beliefs onto another culture.
Has reasonable laws instead of stupid laws; when in Florida, you cannot eat an orange while in the bathtub.
Uses the sensible and easy to comprehend Metric system instead of standard.
Drinks real beer, unlike it's cousin to the south; how do they drink that coloured water?
Has a sense of humour and doesn't take national insults as poorly as some "other" country.
Doesn't put snow storms on national news.
Is proud to have the clean side of Niagra Falls.
Doesn't have to worry about smog alerts.
Has the wonderful ability to turn any sentence into a question; The weather sure is nice, eh?
Provides the best comedians to American media.
Designed the Canadarm, onboard the space shuttles.
Has the worlds largest supply of nickel.
Dug the worlds deepest hole; 11 kilometers (7 miles) deep mine shaft.
Produces the world's best hockey players.
Has the best trained military forces for arctic environments.
Doesn't have to tell the world that they're better than some "other" country; the world already knows.
Them Canadien sure are nice people.
by Clever Canadien March 17, 2004
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