1 definition by Claiy Bertrand

Communism is an idea that Marx and Engles came up with. In theory, its a direct, true democracy. But when it is applied to human life, it doesnt work.
The main idea in communism is-- "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs". What that means is, every citizen works however much they can honestly work, and they get paid according to how much money they need in order to live. This means that the system works on honesty- the govenrment expects you to be honest on how much you can really work, and they pay you according to how much money you need.
This concept doesnt work. it doersnt work because there is no motivation for the people to work. In communism, if you could honestly work your ass off, and you do work your ass off, you will still get paid the same salary as if you didnt work your ass off. So this means that you can work really hard, or work very little, and still get paid the same salary. So people basically have no motivation to work hard. When people work hard, the country produces money. When people do nothing, the country suffers financially.

On the contrary, in a capitalist society, the harder you work- the more you get paid. If you work very hard at a sophisticated job, you earn alot of money. Whereas if you work a crappy job that requires very little work, you will not earn so much money. So this is where the motivation comes from. In capitalism, the harder you work- the more you get paid. And in communism, nomatter how hard you work, you will always get paid according to your needs, but the government expects you to be honest in how hard you work.

What happens to communism, is that the country does not work, does not produce, and eventually collapses from not having enough money to support itself.

The former Soviet Union was probably the most obvious example of a country of failed communism. The people were not paid according to their needs- everyone was paid less than the amount of money needed to live a very minimal life. And the government used force and intimidation to force the people to work hard, or else...

But there are elements of communism in nature, and even in some Native American tribes, centuries ago. The Native Americans lived in a common community, where they saw their villages of a place that belonged to everyone, and worked for the good of the community, and not for the good of individual families like in capitalism.

Ants and termites live in colonies where every one works and works and works, and the colony shares everything, for the good of the colony, and not for the good of each individual ant or termite. However, this case is not to be compared to human communism, since termites and ants are instinctively born into workers in the oclony, and so that is basically their nature. So it would be unfair to compare this case to humans.

Communism is a very beautiful idea. And if it could work, the entire world would have been totally communist a long time ago. But communism doesnt work. Overall, communism fails because of a lack of motivation, and having the desire to work for the benifit of your own person and your own family, rather than for the benifit of the entire community. And now, after people have realised what communism turns out to be, I doubt any more countries will willfully try to establish communism by choice.
Communism is a beautiful idea, but it quickly turns into a dictatorship. Communism eventually collapses from financial trouble. After the Proletariat throw over the Bourgiuase, a new Bourgiuase class eventually forms that is really a class of the government, and the country then changes from an attempt at communism to pretty much a dictatorship. The idea of Communism is of a direct democracy, like that of ancient Greece. The capitalist world has indirect democracy- a representative democracy. And true communism is meant to be an honest, classless society of common ownership and prosperity. But all that doesnt happen, simply because humans are not meant to live a communist life. This has been proven time and time again.
by Claiy Bertrand September 8, 2007
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