1 definition by Chiplove

A physical addiction to Chipotle Burritos. The thought of the word "Chipotle" can suddenly make an individual with Chipotle syndrome feel excessively hungry, and possess a voracious craving for Chipotle Burritos.

1. Begin to eat at least one daily burrito every day.
2. The word "burrito", in a pavlovian manner, signals it's time for a meal at Chipotle.

3. Craving for Chipotle Burritos.
4. Most other foods pale in comparison to Chipotle Burritos

in one's mind, and are far less desirable.
Jim: Yeah, so I took this girl to Chipotle for dinner last night. It was beautiful!
Derek: Yeah, she's hot?
Jim: I added that hot sauce. Burrito was incredible!
Derek: Man, you need help. You have it.
Jim: Have what?
Derek: Chipotle syndrome.
by Chiplove November 3, 2011
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