1 definition by Chiliworia

A really sexy gorilla that got a kid shot in Cincinatti Zoo, They were about to shoot Harambe but he dodged and got the kid shot instead.
Harambe is a 17 year old gorilla that lives in Area 51, he was born in Heaven and shipped to Cincinatti Zoo for 1000Mil, one day on hes birthday a little kid jumps down into the enclosure to give him a present. Then the Zoo workers shot the kid... D:

Harambe is alive in Area 51, he have 3 gorilla kids and is a happy fella, hes planning revenge on Cincinatti Zoo.
-Harambe 1999-2016
-Super Harambe 51, 2016- (In progress)
Wow that monkey is so big, hes like Harambe!
by Chiliworia October 26, 2016
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