1 definition by Chasewagon

Boomchicawalla in the coconut Grove,
Was a mean motherfucker-you could tell by his clothes.
Wore a brown leather jacket - had a white Hairy ass,
And his balls were the size of the tits of a momma cat.
He lined a hundred women against the wall and he swore to the devil that he'd fuck them all.

He reached 9 9 when he had to stop cuz the friction on his balls had made them pop.

He went to the doctor and the doctor said, "boomchicawalla your balls are dead."
Boomchicawalla then went to hell where he fucked the devil and his wife as well.

And on his tombstone written in green it said "boomchicawalla was a fucking machine."
by Chasewagon May 8, 2018
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