3 definitions by Chad420

When a certain Kim Jung Un becomes unresponsive after heart surgery. Fat fuck.
Jimin: Our glorious leader could never die, It must be those pesky capitalist pigs that did this I'm sure that they made our glorious leader Kim Jung Un-responsive.
by Chad420 April 26, 2020
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by Chad420 April 28, 2020
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When your country hits the 1 in a million jackpot and manages to have the most destructive earthquake in 140 years while there is an ongoing pandemic in the background.
Jack Lvlrmn: Hey man, let's go to Zagreb, since we are alredy stuck in this discount EU version of Brazil.
Mike Tyosn: Nah man, didn't you hear they just had a coronaquake there, let's stay in Hvar for now.
by Chad420 May 22, 2020
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