1 definition by Catherine Lawrence

The term JoBro-Mance means to be "in love" with one or more members of the band, the Jonas Brothers, (being that they are totally hot/cute, and they have thousands of lovers, it is necessary that there be a whole, separate word for this kind of crush) Most of us girls (um...or some boy-ish weirdos who are having a JoBro-Mance are also afflicted with a serious, incurable, and EXTREMLY contagious disorder called OJD (Obsessive Jonas Disorder)
The term JoBro-Mance can be used in a sentence like so:

I' having a JoBro-Mance!! <3
I'm not just in a romance, and it's not only a "bro-mance,"
either...it's a JoBro-Mance!! <3
Nick Jonas is so cute, Joe Jonass is so hot, and Kevin Jonas is so cool, I can't help from having a JoBro-Mance!
(Frankie's the man, too!!)

I must admit, I am having a JoBromance, and am the worst found case of OJD...EVER!!!!
by Catherine Lawrence April 26, 2008
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