2 definitions by Casey Phil

The Best movie ever, made a long time ago and full of fun and fantasy. Has a bunch of cool songs, and candy, you just can't beat it's greatness
by Casey Phil June 24, 2005
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The classic rock song that defines classic rock songs. I have mixed feelings on it. It is indeed a beautiful and nice song, butI prefer more energetic Zepplin songs such as "Over the hills and far away", and "Moby Dick." I also think that the reason so many people think it's the greatest song ever is because of the new millenium generation that pretends Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin are their favorite bands because it will get them laid, and these people don't know any other songs by them. I for one, think No Quarter is a much better and more meaningful son, even though I have no idea what it means.
by Casey Phil June 24, 2005
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