1 definition by CaptinThizzleSword

The Itisuaraus Monstrus AKA the itis monster, is a being ment only to inflict utter fear, pain, sorrow, and general tireredness into its victims. The itis monster can be found in various locations, but most comonly in such holy sites as Oakland, a southern kitchen, and Uncle Frank's. The mating season for the itis monster apears to be from Thanksgiving untill Catfish after catfish (March 21, from 7 am till 1 minute after dark), as well as a Sunday dinner thats starts cooking on Saturday. To be noted, the itis monster is not the only thing that can bring the itis, but is only a byproduct, one of an itis that causes permanent physical and phychological damage . It can also be noted that the giants from Spartan: Total Warrior can are a good example of the physical apperance of the itis monster
Chris: DAMMT BOY! YOU GET IN MY DAMN COLLARDS AGAIN. MAKE SOME BOOGIE WOOGIE MONKY FOOD AGAIN. (Good fellow, have you partaken in a feast of this so called "Soul food")
Me: NAH, aint never...Aint....ne...va.. itis monster ...(falls asleap, while internal organs are being smashed by stomach)
Chris: Thata teach ya, dumb African


Habudahebudahebudahiblidah bhwa whawhahleaa
call of the itis monster
by CaptinThizzleSword December 26, 2007
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