2 definitions by Captain Deci

Noun- the act of tricking someone into paying you and then disregarding the deal. Usually applies to online scams and financial transactions.

Term is mainly used in the south-central United States, mostly in the Texas region.
I sent this youtube streamer twenty bucks to play a video of mine and he never did! He really pulled an Albin on me!
by Captain Deci December 14, 2019
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Noun- the act of tricking someone into paying you and then disregarding the deal. Usually applies to online scams and financial transactions.

Term is mainly used in the south-central United States, mostly in the Texas region.
I sent this youtube streamer twenty bucks to play a video of mine and he never did! He really pulled a Thomas Albin on me!
by Captain Deci December 14, 2019
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