2 definitions by CGT3

A town in New York which welcomes every version of BMW and Mercedes cars on the market. These cars are usually driven by italian princesses and guidos, bought fully by their parents. You can find a majority of guidos hanging out at the local gas station Exxon, which attracts all the guidos like moths to a bright light at night. Most girls seen in this town are mindless bitches that want to get "crunked" with their asshole boyfriends who regularly beat them and call them sluts, when ironically the guys are the reason why they're sluts to begin with. Just look for Honda Civics and the Acura CL 3.2-S and you'll find most of these girls. If you start to develop a Bronx accent out of nowhere, you've been in this town for too long. We're all white, but somehow we're "niggas." Cops in this town have nothing better to do than bother teens who just want to chill, rather than bust real crime. You will get arrested for basically anything, and you can't even sit in your car in the middle of the day without a cop saying "Either you leave, or I'll give you a ticket for your tinted windows." They also make outrageous claims that you have "illegal headlight covers" on your car, when in fact you have stock headlights that you have never touched.
FITTY CENT!!!!!!!!!
by CGT3 June 8, 2005
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A town in New York which welcomes every version of BMW and Mercedes cars on the market. These cars are usually driven by italian princesses and guidos, bought fully by their parents. You can find a majority of guidos hanging out at the local gas station Exxon, which attracts all the guidos like moths to a bright light at night. Most girls seen in this town are mindless bitches that want to get "crunked" with their asshole boyfriends who regularly beat them and call them sluts, when ironically the guys are the reason why they're sluts to begin with. Just look for Honda Civics and the Acura CL 3.2-S and you'll find most of these girls. If you start to develop a Bronx accent out of nowhere, you've been in this town for too long. We're all white, but somehow we're "niggas." Cops in this town have nothing better to do than bother teens who just want to chill, rather than bust real crime. You will get arrested for basically anything, and you can't even sit in your car in the middle of the day without a cop saying "Either you leave, or I'll give you a ticket for your tinted windows." They also make outrageous claims that you have "illegal headlight covers" on your car, when in fact you have stock headlights that you have never touched.
Bitch get in ma caaa!!
by CGT3 June 19, 2005
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