1 definition by Brooled out Bobby

The word "Brool" is, initially a synonym for the words "chill" or "Relax" ( see Ex: 1 )
However, the word may also be used to replace any verb or given the right context ( running = brooling, relaxed=brooled, fighting = brooling ) (see Ex: 2)
Ex1: "Hey david what's up man,"

" Nothing much, just brooling out."
" Brool out bro you'll get a victory royale next time"
Ex2: " David there's a crazy party downtown get over here."
" KK im brooling fast as fuck yo"


" Yo let's get this victory royale im looted to the max"
" Ya same bro im so brooled out right now.
by Brooled out Bobby February 13, 2018
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