1 definition by Brittney Meeks

A sexual maneuver involving scatophagy. To perform the Poor Man's Fudgesicle the male participant must first vigorously fuck their partner in the ass (enough so that the anus is temporally widened to the size of a gaping hole. *as seen in various hardcore pornography*). He must then withdrawal his phallus and take a large shit in aforementioned 'gaping hole.' Next, he proceeds to reinsert the phallus into the now shit filled anus (This step may be repeated until desired amount of coating). Finally the phallus is removed from the anus and inserted into the mouth of the willing (or unwilling) partner.
The other night I was fucking Brittney and she wouldn't stop bitching about getting her some food, so I gave her a Poor Man's Fudgesicle. *High-fives friend*
by Brittney Meeks November 17, 2007
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