1 definition by Brian1212121

A teen generally located in Western Sydney, Australia. Usually thinking they're the 'shit' or they're 'all that.'Generally uneducated and small minded, only "skills" are stealing and attempting to fight. Wears football shorts or adidas track pants and a polo shirt with the collar up. Generally dirty, skinny and bogan looking. Unliked by everyone except each other. Also abundantly uses the word 'eshays' which is a word the lad subculture invented themselves.
lad 1 - hey bruz,
lad 2 - yo bro!
lad 1 - just fuckin' rolled some cunt for his fannypack.
lad 2 - ESHAYS cunt!!!
lad 1 - Yea boi!
*they start sucking each others cocks*
by Brian1212121 January 19, 2008
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