1 definition by Bretherealest
noun. A person that you are in between feelings about. A friendquaintance will likely be on the fence about hanging out with you in private or group setting, and be shady about what they have been up to as if you are an enemy. However, you aren't enemies. You just don't fully trust each other, because there is a dishonesty by one or both parties about the people they truly are. They can have fun together, but they argue a lot because they don't see eye to eye on various topics. They act like they know you super well when your closer friends are around, but the trust, genuineness, and loyalty isn't there. Hence, they are FRIENDQUAINTANCES
My friendquaintance and I talk on the phone, text each other every single day, and chat when we see each other, but we never make plans of our own.
by Bretherealest April 4, 2018