1 definition by BookCurger

A word for every occasion.

Søggbob is the kind of word you use whenever you can't come up with anything else since it can literally mean anything you want it to. Descriptions, information, characteristics, factual or just a slur/bad word its all up to you and how the person responds to the word.

Søggbob can be used practially anywhere at any time but not the wisest to try at a funeral. Just be careful whenever you decide to use it since its the other persons assumation of the word that counts, not yours.
"person 1" Yeah my mom died a week ago so i can't come to the party on wednesday
"person 2" oh i am sorry for your loss, i hope you're ok
"person 3" Søggbob
"person 1" hey! i haven't seen you in a while, how are you?
"person 2" Søggbob
"person 1" what did you just call my mother?!
by BookCurger December 21, 2021
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