1 definition by BombasticBear

Often the only and/or the last resort as an option for higher education among Caribbean students. While some Faculties have been updated/ upgraded throughout the years, others have remained basically the same since many Caribbean nations were still colonies. Rude/ unhelpful administrators ensures customer service is always bad, lack of funding means that the University is seemingly always on the verge of banruptcy, and trying to eek out as money much from students. That wouldn't be so bad, if there were decent facilities- but good luck finding a textbook or research paper written within the last 5 yearsfrom the library, and you should always expect something to not work at some time or the other. There are some very good lecturers here, but UWI also hosts the literal worst, who fail so spectacularly at saying something remotely comprehensible in the span of 1-2 hours . It goes without saying water, internet and electricity problems are expected.
I don't have any money to go to a passably decent university away. Guess I'll have to go UWI. How bad could it be

Three Years Later: At least I wasn't gang raped by monkeys that turned out to be HIV postive, although there was a time during my program at UWI it felt pretty close to that.
by BombasticBear September 21, 2015
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