1 definition by BlondeHoe

A Savannah is one of the most beautiful, sweet, kind and loving girls! She is one the best girls you will ever meet so if you have one don't you dare let her slip away because she will. She is an amazing sex partners! She is an outta control, kinky sex panther! Once you get a piece you won't be able to get enough! She has a rock hard body and is nothing but steel and sex appeal! She is a wonderful friends with great advice and will always help anyone in need! But, If she don't like you then you watch out because she will tear you up! She is also a gorgeous clumsy blonde that will have you laughing nonstop! She is a wild country girl that loves to be outside, hunt and fish! She is a animal lover and a hardcore bad ass! Don't ever let your Savannah go or you will regret it!
by BlondeHoe January 13, 2013
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