10 definitions by Blazin Hazen

to sleep with 10000 women in one's lifetime.
i had already wilt chamberlained when i was 11 years old.
by Blazin Hazen August 14, 2006
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The pretentious freind of D'Artagnan, Aramis and Athos. Porthos was a muskateer of Monseiur de Treville's men, in the Novel "The Three Muskateers" by Alexandre Dumas.
Porthos spent most of his money on his clothes in order to appear more wealthy than he was. However Porthos was a good man and a rather intriguing character.
by Blazin Hazen August 4, 2006
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n. informal
- A fat person.
- An ingredient in many-a-delicious candy.
This club is full of gelatin bitches.

Ingredients: Sugar (99%), Gelatin (100%), Artificial Colours (101%), Deliciousness (‡ %)
by Blazin Hazen August 4, 2006
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