2 definitions by Blake, Hannah, Emily, and Michelle

A teacher or other authority figure who is listening in on your conversation that you REALLY don't want there, so to warn your posse, you say: "Uh guys, towe!"
Person One- Omfg, did you hear that Veronica got knocked up?!?
Person Two- Oh shnap! Towe! Towe! TOWE!

Person One- And then I smoked soo muu-
Person Two- Soo there are lots of towes around today :coughs:
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Beating the shit out of someone you don't like (behind their back) using only words, but in a group.

Synonem for "bitchfest"
Man, all we do is have schnokenfests on that whore Kelly.

The party was great, we schnocked her pretty bad...
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