1 definition by BlackyChan

The interaction between two bros often characterized by words like bro, dude, g, pump, leg day, cheif, in the zone, brosef, "Bro Nameth", juice and T-Shirt Time.

Often heard in areas such as New Jersey, Miami and parts of Southern California.
Scenario: A bro(#1) walks into a room and sees another bro(#2) actively enjoying t-shirt time.
Bro 2 is sitting watching TV. They make eye contact and with no prompting bro 1 says "I'm going to go get my T-shirt too!" and runs out of the room.

Sarcastically Interested Black Girl: You guys didn't even actually have a conversation. But he already knew.

Bro 2: That is how you brommunicate with other bros.
by BlackyChan January 17, 2014
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