1 definition by Blacky27

Selin Celik

Very famous, sweet as sugar, smarter than Einstein, more romantic than Romeo and Juliet combined and ofc cooler than Mert.

You see, even if I had studied for 50 years to find an explanation for you, I wouldn't be able to write a whole page about it.

No matter what happens, you should always be proud of yourself. In the end, you've made it this far and that's what counts.

Keep your head up Princess Celik
Selin Celik?
You mean the definition of perfection right??? Yes, I know her, she donated a kidney to me even though I didn't need one.

She saved my cat from a burning house even though I didn't have a cat.

She showed me that there are 5 directions in the compass.

Yes, I've heard a lot about her, I'd like to be friends with her or imagine she has a crush on you, that would just be unnaturally beautiful.
by Blacky27 October 11, 2023
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