1 definition by BishBunny

A noun:
A sportcentric is a sports fanatic; it seems their every waking thought revolves around sports. A sportcentric has conversations that are dominated by sports and in particular local teams.
adjective: A typical sportscentric person focuses on their local teams. They can reference the year, the game in the series, or penant race, those particular great plays and/or poor plays, causing their favorite home sports team to have won or lost the big game or championship.
She is a sportcentric; all she thinks about is sports. At a sports bar, she has to take the best seat and change the channels in order to watch the monitors for her favorite teams. Her focus on sports is almost pathological. Sue strongly favors the Boston Celtics, Bruins and Red Sox over all other teams. Sam, on the other hand, is clearly sportcentric about New York's sports teams, favoring the Yankees over all other teams.
by BishBunny June 17, 2011
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