1 definition by Binx Valentine

After looking online in several places, there was no clear definition so I read a lot of articles and then just broke down the words by definition. Hopefully, sparing other people the same reading.

Torture Apologists are those who offer an argument in defense of torture, specifically when working on behalf of the government to capture or kill those deemed (normally) foreign terrorists or (normally) foreign threats.
This is a scenario*and not a fact I am presenting as an example: Jane Doe, a torture apologist, believes that the information that led them to Osama Bin Laden was gathered by water boarding his associates. Jane believes that this is acceptable because tracking Bin Laden’s location should be done by any means necessary, this includes any and all forms of torture in exchange for this information. Jane’s argument is that torture is necessary to prevent loss of life for others. She is a torture apologist because of this.
by Binx Valentine November 25, 2020
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