1 definition by Billy Bob Fredman

A play style in Call of Duty 4 online games. Consists of using the rifle-mounted grenade launcher as your ONLY weapon. Some may mistake a well-timed blast as noob tubing, but most noob tubers prefer to be up close, as this makes the enemy bigger and easier for them to hit even when having a seizure-like fit of noobishness after realizing that they have scored a mere 11 kills to their 21 deaths during the match.

Noob-tubing will often give the noob a rush of energy and a feeling that they are "uber l337 pwning". Experienced players will laugh at this, knowing full well that were a noob to possess "pwnage" the universe would fold in on itself.
Noob- UAHAHAHA BANGBANGBANG *Noob tubes* PWNT *teafrags*
JP- *pwns with actual pwnage* Don't teafrag in the middle of a firefight, dumbass. Down with Noob tubing!
by Billy Bob Fredman May 17, 2008
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