1 definition by BigBoiDeclan

A gumjob. Similar to a blowjob, but usually performed by someone old enough to be considered "elderly". The elder removes their false teeth/dentures and proceeds to service their partner orally.

Made popular by popular YouTube icons Ethan and Hila Klein of the channel h3h3productions. In a commentary video regarding a TLC documentary ( which featured Kyle "The Cougar Champ", a younger man who only dates older women ), Ethan and Hila posed the question of, "Does he get blowjobs from elders?", with Hila referring to them as "GJ"s, or gumjobs.

A subsequent episode of their H3 Podcast ( H3 Podcast #67 - Drake vs Pusha-T & Skippy vs Kyle ), in which they interview Kyle ( and Skippy, a 34-yr-old virgin who also appeared on a TLC documentary and one of their reaction videos ), Hila and Ethan bring up the topic of GJs.
Ethan: Yo, Hila, how about hittin' me up with one of those GJs?
Hila: Dammit, Ethan. I don't have dentures.
Ethan: That's alright, doggy. Appreciate ya, papa bless.
by BigBoiDeclan June 4, 2018
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