1 definition by BestFriendOfAtziri

All Atziris are very beautiful and strong. Anyone with the name Atziri is unique and very opinionated, not afraid to speak her mind, whatever and whenever it may be. Atziris usually have the nickname 'woman' and when they find a best friend they stick with them. A best friend of Atziri is always there for her when she needs her and Atziris are missed very very very much by their best friends when they go vacationing or camping far away. Atziris laugh a lot and are known for their sneaky pranks. Atziris always have great advice because of their opinions and they are brave, they aren't afraid to break the rules sometimes. Everyone named Atziri is also spiritual and carries the bible with her when she goes away, a very great thing in someone; to not feel ashamed of her faith. When Atziri's fall for a guy they do it rarely and they are very picky, also very good; to not just go with any guy that asks. Atziri's are careful when letting guys get close to her, the guys she chooses to be with are good and she sees them for what they are on the inside. The man that she declares as 'the one' will be a very lucky man. Atziri's are independent and will never let any man or anyone else control her, anyone named Atziri is also kind, forgiving, and sometimes crazy.
Hey, did that girl spill jello all over her sports bag? Jaja, that's Atziri.

Who are those two girls laughing loudly over there? Oh, I know, it's Atziri and her best friend.

Your brother's girlfriend is pregnant?! Oh, jaja, you're pranking me, you're pulling an Atziri.
by BestFriendOfAtziri November 24, 2010
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