1 definition by Bella hushbizkit

ok so this is a juggalette writing this and we dont care but we do want respect. we are not sad depressed wanting attention kids. we follow a band but not limited to ICP goes further than that we want to have a place in the world like everyone does. we dont eat only ramen noodles and we dont only drink faygo. we dont let the stuff about muder and rape and killing or what ever effect us cuz we dont care. we dont like bigots or rasim cause we are all the same.we want to belong to a group and apparenly hated for it. but if thats the case then we all hate everyone like the preps and the jocks. juggalos and lettes dont care who you are but you respect us we respect you. dont diss us if you dont understand us. and we dont hurt gays we welcome them cause they belong in this world as much as us.
a juggalo/juggalette and a prep both see a guy getting beat up the juggalo/juggalette runs to help the guy the prep sits there and laughs at him and records it. juggalo fights for the guy on the ground helps the guy up and asks the bitch why didnt she help and she reply i cant break a nail.
by Bella hushbizkit May 15, 2008
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