2 definitions by Be considerate, not a dumbass

A legendary Flood Escape 2 player that has done many unbelievable things during his time in the game.
OML it's Pinekones, he's such a pro, I wanna be like him!!!!
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A person who plays any kind of games like board games (chess, checkers, snakes and ladders, etc.), card games (like poker or 21), sports games (well sports naturally), and video games like minecraft, terraria, genshin impact, fortnite, pubg etc. for the sole purpose of getting good at it as a hobby. These people aren't losers, the real losers are the ones who criticize them for doing what they enjoy the most - gaming.
Player 1 wins: good game
Player 2: well played, you're a godly gamer. Can we be friends?
Player 1: Sure.
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