1 definition by Babybluy

Trumpster: 1. A member of a cult who believes Trump can do no wrong. 2. A thug, criminal, gangster or white nationalist. 3. A chest beating gorilla wearing a red MAGA hat. 4. A person who chooses to be deaf and blind. 5. An anti-social narcissist. 6. A person who lies, takes undue credit and shifts blame onto others. 7. A whiny baby.
1. The Trumpsters are holding another prayer vigil for the chosen one. 2. The Trumpsters are wearing sheets and painting swastikas again. 3. The Trumpsters attended his rally. 4. A Trumpster frequently uses words like hoax and witch hunt and will vote for him again, regardless. 5. That Trumpster is just another self-serving con man. 6. The Trumpster believed the world would be better if (fill in: Obama, Hillery, All democrats, etc...) were dead or, better yet , never lived because it's all their fault! 7. The Trumpster believed the reporters were all democrats out to discredit their leader by publishing fake news.
by Babybluy March 1, 2020
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