1 definition by BaLDO (LiNDSEYS SCRIBE)

Jiblet (n.) Origin: Laurolinosaur

A jiblet can describe or refer to a number of things, including; phat or fat rolls, man boobs (see moobs), or just plain hotness. Jiblets are usually described as "hot" and/or "meaty" (see white hot meaty jiblets)

the word Jiblet can also be used to describe one who munches jiblets (see jiblet muncher, equivalent to Lauren Bruno)As in, "Damn, that bitch lauren munches major jiblets" or, "Why dont you have a nice warm cup of munchable jiblets?"

Slang and abbreviations for Jiblets: Hot meaties, Jibs, Jibbies, White hot meaties
"Shes got jibs, what can ya do?"
"dayumm that nigga got JIBS!"
"if you got jibs, flaunt em"
"Baby got jiblets"
"I would like to take a bite out of your hot meaty jiblets"
by BaLDO (LiNDSEYS SCRIBE) October 23, 2006
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