2 definitions by Ba, Waw, Lam, shin, ya, ta

The most expensive and slow internet provider and the only ISP that is available in Brunei. It could make u crazy if they throttle your internet connection to make you pay more to them. #FuckTelBru
Palui jua eh TelBru ani, sikit-sikit abis tia quota
by Ba, Waw, Lam, shin, ya, ta August 4, 2019
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Used to be TelBru but pussy'ed out on having a bad image, the customer service are bullshit and thoes motherfucker's go bankrupt one day
Person1:Yo, pernah dangar Imagine.bn punya plan baru.
Person 2:Inda, bisai kah?
Person 3:Imagine sucking on these balls.
by Ba, Waw, Lam, shin, ya, ta November 10, 2021
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