1 definition by BUDRK

A top New England business school where both the academic curriculum and social atmosphere are geared entirely towards the accumulation of power and wealth. This has resulted in the apparently necessary addition of "Ethics and Social Responsibility" as an academic discipline. Graduates range from Wall Street moguls like Richard Zannino to ruthless dictators such as Charles Taylor.

While other college students paint houses or lifeguard during the summer months, Bentley students are up bright and early, parking their BMW's outside of JP Morgan or State Street.

If you don't get in, there's always Bryant, notable alumni of which include:

-Adam M. Hamilton - "ChiP" - Reporter for WJAR-NBC 10 News


-Dennis G. Perron - Chief of Police Hubbardston, Massachusetts
Bentley University Student 1: Hey, how's 301 treating you?

Bentley University Student 2: Meh, we got a crap project, some place called "bryant university" wants us to consult for them.... looks like a lost cause though.
by BUDRK December 20, 2009
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