1 definition by Austin’s love Ben ten

A fire show that is not just for kids with diapers or adault virgin that will watch this while betraying nnn because he sucks and it is about a ten year old that finds a watch u know what I’m not gonna ruin it for go watch it know
1:Yo u watch that show Ben 10

2:Shits ya I did he badbopbabooop vilgax in the face
Narrator: Random kid walks up 3:what u talking about

1:A fire show called ben10 about a 10 year old kid that finds a watch that turns him into aliens

3:that’s such a kid show lol u are in 8th grade
2:bitch what’s u say u bout to get clapped u take that back our else bobs gonna slay u like Zelda
Naratter: a emotional crackhead of a kid bob grabbed a plastic fork and started to shank the non believer
by Austin’s love Ben ten December 4, 2018
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