2 definitions by Auntie Hero

The first bowel movement, often in several days, after going on a heroin binge. Opiates cause constipation, so junkies tend to get backed up for days or even a week or more, before their body finally forces a bowel movement. This is why they often hole up in a public bathroom for up to an hour, and there can be considerable tearing which contributes to the mess left behind.
"Man, I just dropped a two-week Horse Deuce. I'm having to learn to walk all over again."
by Auntie Hero September 21, 2018
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The social media network users who cast off en masse from one network to another, similar to "flotsam" and "jetsam"
"I remember when the netsam went from MySpace to Facebook, and now it's going from Twitter to Mastodon"
by Auntie Hero January 14, 2023
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