9 definitions by August403

Most world leaders, or when leaders of countries don't trust Trump compared to Biden or Obama, who got more rate than Donald Trump. People around the world hate or dislike Trump, and now Mexico has seen America as a threat due to the border.

Many Americans seem to be Anti-Trump after the Capitol Riot.
American: I'm sick of Donald Trump, his lies, all of that stuff. He even called a whole group of people on the capitol despite COVID!

Canadian: You're probably Anti-Trump.
by August403 February 16, 2021
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A spelling mistake for "lmao" When you type too fast.
Person 1: *Says A Joke*

Person 2: ;;AP!

Person 1: Learn to spell!

Person 2: Sorry, I Meant LMAO.
by August403 February 3, 2021
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