1 definition by Auden West

Directioners are the craziest, scariest, horniest fandom out there. Known for blogging 24 hours a day and writing the best gay smut that you will ever read, directioners are secretly insecure but hide it with amazing humour. Directioners have terms for everything: Fake Fans, supporting people together, young fans, girlfriends, etc. Many common, carrot-y inside jokes include 10.2 inches, carrots, spoons, cats, mirrors, etc.

Do not mess with a directioner or make fun of their ships, because they will most likely yell and then blog about it.
Person1: Hey, Why does Becky look so tired?
Person2: She's a directioner. She was probably up all night reading gay smut.
by Auden West May 29, 2013
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