1 definition by Atropan Agent 17747

Pronounced: "What-the-fuckify"
Root: WTF
To edit a piece of writing as if it were a Mad Libs word game. Replacing nouns, verbs, and phrases with other asinine and often more interesting bits of text. This term originates from a program for performing this type of text replacement called the WTF-O-Vision, whose sole action is to WTFify, Gloriously.

WTFification is nothing new, writers have been practicing this fine art for centuries. Recently though, the Glorious Matthew Kastor has written a small program, and posted it to github, which automates the often tedious process. This new technology was quickly adopted by clever hackers and crammed into the ass end of a web spider so that it would run freely about dropping deuces on emo poetry and nearly anything else that got in the way. This recent resurgence of WTFification will no doubt be proceeded by even more material worthy of the process.

Example 1:

* ordinary text :
in her black and white world full of hatred and pain,

* WTFified :
in her yellow and white hand towel full of odium and diarrhea,

Example 2:

* ordinary text :
It was then that I knew
my pen would fly by the
moonlight - and I was so
blessed to be able to
escape July and save
it all in verse.

Poets can do that …

* WTFified :
It was then that Annie got
Annie's pen would fly by the
moonshine - and Annie was so
blessed to be able to
snuggle July and save
it all in verse.

hobos can do that …

What a bunch of assholes. Let's WTFify all their posts and leave it as comments.

__verb__ !? No no Mr. Watt, the Glorioius WTF-O-Vision WTFifies.. Gloriously. You're using the wrong verb.
by Atropan Agent 17747 January 4, 2013
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