2 definitions by Aspekt


1. Lines arbitrairily drawn on a map that make up a countries.
2. Complete human constructs.
3. Can cause mass confusion and hysteria when directly connected with imperialism.
1. America has the borders of Canada and Mexico.

2. Land is land regardless of lines.

3. Guy #1:"Dude Africa is so fucked up."
Guy #2:"That's because in the early 1900s European countries colonized them, which divided kingdoms and tribes."
Guy #1:"Damn that really fucking sucks."
Guy #2:"I know, stupid imperialism."
by Aspekt December 22, 2006
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human constructs

Ideas made up and carried out by humans for purpose of clarification, that actually don't exist.
Money is a human construct because it is given value, and without its given value it wouldn't be worth anything.

Human Constructs make up man things...
by Aspekt December 22, 2006
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