10 definitions by AsianTeenager

A male name. This is very unique name, and it's a combination of Aiwon and Aiden. Very kind, awesome, and happy boy and he is loved by everyone. He LOVES pink, and he wears his cute pink t-shirt on week ends.
Me: How the fuck is your name Aiwen?
Aiwen: My dad wanted the name "Aiwon", but my mom wanted the name "Aiden"...
Me: oh i see... THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL!
by AsianTeenager November 8, 2016
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A male name. This is very unique name, and it's a combination of Aiwon and Aiden. Very kind, awesome, and happy boy and he is loved by everyone. He LOVES pink, and he wears his cute pink t-shirt on week ends.
Me: How the fuck is your name Aiwen?
Aiwen: My dad wanted the name "Aiwon", but my mom wanted the name "Aiden"...
Me: oh i see... THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL!
Aiwen: Why is your name *****
Me: Cuz my parents are stupid
Aiwen: LMFAO
by AsianTeenager November 8, 2016
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A male name. This is very unique name, and it's a combination of Aiwon and Aiden. Very kind, awesome, and happy boy and he is loved by everyone. He LOVES pink, and he wears his cute pink t-shirt on week ends.
Me: How the fuck is your name Aiwen?
Aiwen: My dad wanted the name "Aiwon", but my mom wanted the name "Aiden"...
Me: oh i see... THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL!
Aiwen: Why is your name *****
Me: Cuz my parents are stupid
Aiwen: LMFAO
by AsianTeenager November 8, 2016
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