1 definition by Applebottomjeans87

Very sarcastic and comes off as rude sometimes. Once you get past his outer shell, he is the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He is caring in so many different ways and will make you feel like the only girl in the world. He’s also super smart and loves to show it off. Not to mention he is hilarious, he will have you crying on the floor laughing. Besides all of that Seif’s are also the most cuddle worthy boys. They give 10/10 cuddles and will have you melt in on the floor. The Seif in your life may not even realize how special he is, but he IS. If you have a Seif in your life never let them go. You are one of the luckiest people on this planet if you know a Seif.

Ps. Seif’s are also incredibly hot. They have curls 2 die for and beautiful eyes.
Omg Seif is so cute, do you think he’s joking when he says he hates me?
by Applebottomjeans87 December 13, 2021
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